

Blog Article


The first quarter is over. We are three weeks into the second quarter.

Now is a great time to reflect.

Maybe you are on track to hit all of your goals. I will tell you to keep moving forward.

But if you are not, I have three things that I believe that can help you get back on track. I believe you can still live this year and have your best year ever.

#1 Ask yourself what do I need to do MORE of?
Where do I need to focus more time and energy on the things that are going to help me hit those targets?

#2 Ask yourself what do I need to do LESS of?
Maybe you find yourself living on someone else’s calendar. That can be very frustrating. Remember nothing is NEUTRAL- whatever you are doing is either moving you closer or keeping you from getting to your goal.

#3 Ask yourself what LESSONS did you learn in the first quarter that you can apply in the second quarter?
Those lessons are the greatest teachers to what you should be doing right now.

Remember, consistency is the mother of mastery. What you do daily adds up. A great question I ask myself often is, if I compound what I’m doing now will it help me get where I want to go?

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3 Responses

  1. Loved your talk yesterday. So sorry I missed the presentation to our group. I am in the midst of Baseball season with 4 kids that play, one being in High school, which is why I missed the big presentation you gave! Would love the opportunity to meet you and really love the motivation and guidance you have given. Best to you, Darenda Rangel

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Todd Stottlemyre


Relentless Success unfolds the process that will change your life forever. No person, thing or circumstance will ever hold you back again. Never again will you lack the knowledge to accomplish your goals. When you marry your work ethic to this success process is the day you will discover the champion that lives inside of you. Nothing is impossible, it just hasn’t been done yet. Subscribe to keep up with the latest blog posts that will guide you towards relentless success.


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