

Blog Article

The Power of Being Grateful

I want to share a special message that has been life-changing for me: The power of being grateful.
Having a grateful mind and a grateful heart and practicing being grateful on a daily  basis.
When it comes to being grateful, there are so many benefits. When it comes to your personality, you become a more optimistic person. You have better health, better sleep, less sick days, more energy!
How about the increase in productivity and how that can help us with our career or our jobs and our ambitions.
When it comes to our social status just healthier marriages and deeper relationships.
Being grateful also lights up the perception side of your brain which means your going to create more awareness and more awareness better choices and then better results.
Here’s the power through the gift of being grateful, although it is easier to be grateful
when things are good -the face of grateful – shows up in your life when you are grateful  even when times are tough.
List 5 things you have been grateful for this past week in comments section!
Hope this helps & Be Relentless,
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10 Responses

  1. Today… I am grateful for
    -My connection with my family
    -My commitment to spirituality
    -My health
    -My close friends
    -My journey through change (as tough as it is)
    -Being a late bloomer in life
    -The ability to freely choose my life path, without fear of governmental or personal persecution. This is given to us by those who serve in the military on our behalf.

  2. 1). Grateful I made it to & from convention in good health.
    2). Grateful I got up this morning.
    3). Grateful I made a decision to stop in Atlanta to connect & prospect with family/friends before heading home to NJ.
    4) Grateful I am able to focus on my health & fitness.
    5). Grateful for having parents still alive and able to talk to.

  3. 1. The wonderful care my husband received in the last two weeks at the hospital here in Canada.
    2. Grateful for my own health.
    3. For a new business opportunity that has fallen into my lap.
    4. Supportive friends
    5. The beautiful Spring weather that is just starting here.

  4. I am grateful for my life. I am grateful for the friends I have. I am grateful for the knowledge I have acquired.I am grateful for my health. I am grateful for have a curious mind.

  5. Grateful for my family & friends
    Grateful for adversity and the knowledge and lessons learned
    Grateful for opportunities and the abilities to know they exist
    Grateful for our beautiful country to live freely
    Grateful for my connection with the Lord and inspiration I receive

    abundance is given freely to everyone, thank you Todd for letting us take a moment to reflect

  6. In no particular order, I am grateful for:
    1. God allowing me to wake up each day with all my senses.
    2. All my family and friends who love and support me no matter what.
    3. All my experiences that have made me who I am today.
    4. God’s Love.
    5. Peace of mind.

  7. 1.) I’m grateful for my Lord & Savior Jesus Christ, who strengthens and guides me. Only
    through His love, grace and mercy, may I have eternal life.
    2.) I’m grateful for my family and our new baby Grand Daughter. She’s amazing, an absolute
    blessing and miracle from God.
    3.) I’m grateful for my improved Health and Fitness. Now, having specific fitness goals, with
    belief, commitment, discipline, and daily persistence, through my coach, is working.
    4.) I’m grateful for our military, police & fire, border patrol. These are the folks that that lay
    their lives on the line, to protect my family and loved one’s.
    5.) I’m grateful for my hiking buddy, friend, coach, business partner and mentor.

  8. 1) I am grateful to know God when tragedy changed my life forever. Most people want to run from him or blame, I found my Faith stronger in him because he gave me this life to serve a purpose and that unfortunately meant a pain not most would be able to deal with as a parent.
    2) I am grateful to have another day of air in my lungs to exhale as I awake, for the eyes I see the sun rise and set, for the ability to move freely with all of my body parts, and for good health.
    3) I am grateful to have a place to call home, food in my stomach and a place to feel safe.
    4) I am grateful to have what I need and to have the ability to work towards what I want.
    5) I am grateful to having had the experience of being a parent of two children even though I am also a parent who has lost a child. Because the experience made me who I am and gives me the joy of unconditional love.
    6) I am grateful for the people who have come into my life, whether for a reason, season or a lifetime, because they too allow me to be the woman I was created to be in God’s eyes
    7) I am grateful to have this opportunity and experience we all call life, even if it doesn’t seem fair at times.

  9. Top 5. 5. I’m grateful for my passion for my work. 4. I’m grateful for the people around me. 3. I’m grateful for my health. 2. I’m grateful for my Family ❤️. 1. I’m grateful for God and all his strength. Character is tested when your up against it 😉☝️❤️

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Todd Stottlemyre


Relentless Success unfolds the process that will change your life forever. No person, thing or circumstance will ever hold you back again. Never again will you lack the knowledge to accomplish your goals. When you marry your work ethic to this success process is the day you will discover the champion that lives inside of you. Nothing is impossible, it just hasn’t been done yet. Subscribe to keep up with the latest blog posts that will guide you towards relentless success.


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