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Refuse to lose the Dream

Refuse to Lose the Dream

Remember when you were a kid and your dreams were massive. That childlike attitude of where everything was possible. Somewhere along the way the desire for those ambitious dreams faded away. Society brought you back down to earth and you have settled in to mediocrity. I’m here to remind you that everything is possible. Many times we have no idea how close we are to breaking out and realizing our dreams. Those lofty accomplishments many times are hidden around the corner just out of sight. Most people retreat back to where they started when success does not happen on their time line.

Thank God I didn’t give in to the normal thinking and dreaming of mediocrity. I did make it back to the major leagues and played 15 seasons and landed on 3 world championship teams.

I was no different and I was inches away from giving up on my dreams of following in my father’s footsteps in playing major league baseball. After being sent down to the minor leagues in 1989 for the second time in 2 years I started to wonder if I was going to make it. I started to think like everyone else for a moment. I started to wonder what I was going to do if it didn’t work out. I was vulnerable to giving up on my dreams that started when I was a kid roaming the grounds of Yankee Stadium. That night I made the decision to go all in and go for it putting myself out there for all of the critics to witness. I didn’t care what others thought; there was no retreat in my thinking from that point moving forward. Thank God I didn’t give in to the normal thinking and dreaming of mediocrity. I did make it back to the major leagues and played 15 seasons and landed on 3 world championship teams. Can you imagine if I would of quit when it got tough? Your dreams are just as important and your story of achievement needs to be heard. Its time for you to start dreaming again like when you were a child. Your Miracle life is waiting on you around the corner. Put one foot in front of another and go all in to pursing your dreams. Retreating and settling is not in your vocabulary. The Champion that lives inside you is waiting to be awakened. 

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2 Responses

  1. Amen brother. Refuse to lose the dream!

    Thank you for your friendship and outstanding leadership. God bless!

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Todd Stottlemyre


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