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Raising My Standards Through A Crisis

Raising my standards through a crisis is a choice, and I intend to make it. Who would have guessed that 2020 was going to come with these challenges? It seems that every time we turn around, the news gets worse or, at the least, not better. So much uncertainty of not only where we are but what the near future looks like. The unknown has landed many people in a bubble of frustration. As a result, this has led people to be ungrateful, short-tempered, unkind, less patient, agitated, rude, and sadly, I’m no different when it comes to a few of those outcomes.
Today, I’m drawing a line in the sand, and I’m choosing to raise my standards through this crisis.
You will either come out of this crisis better or worse.
I’m choosing better by raising my standards and getting focused on the positive. Whatever you focus on grows, so we must ask ourselves, where does our focus have us going?
I’m giving up on what I can’t control, and I’m going to double down on the things I can control.
Here’s my game plan on raising my standards through this crisis:
  1. It all starts with my MORNING ROUTINE. As soon as my feet hit the ground, I go on a 30-minute walk while listening to a positive podcast. This gets my body in motion and, at the same time, works on the state of my mind. After the walk, I sit down with my journal to capture the great ideas from the podcast. Lastly, I go to the makeshift gym we created in our garage for a workout. Now my mind and body are ready for the day.
  2. Staying away from emotional conversations when it comes to the crisis. Taking the focus off of me and being more understanding of others and how they feel. Arming myself to be more of a servant.
  3. Focusing on what I GET to do and striving to get better in every moment of every day.
  4. Read a minimum of 30 minutes every day. Today I am reading the book LIMITLESS by Jim Kwik. The book is about upgrading your brain, learning faster, and unlocking your exceptional life.
  5. Closing out my day with four of my favorite questions:
What do I need to do more of?
What do I need to do less of?
What did I learn today?
What am I grateful for today?
In closing, how we come out of this crisis is a CHOICE.
I’m choosing BETTER by applying my game-plan to raising my standards through this crisis.
I would love to hear what you are doing daily to make sure you are going to come out of this better than when you started.
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3 Responses

  1. Fantastic guidance and a great reminder that it is important to be intentional even when your life circumstances might lead you to believe you deserve to loosen the reigns. Not really, that’s when you push harder!! Thank you for sharing.

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Todd Stottlemyre


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