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8 Characteristics to Winning in Life

When setting new goals, here are 8 characteristics or behaviors that will help you achieve those lofty dreams. Sometimes it’s one of the eight that will make the biggest difference for you. Everyone is wired a little differently but success does leave clues and I believe if you can apply these 8 principles to any project, business, or goal you will find your way to success.

My mentor once told me that when the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of change, then you will change. You have to have the desire, in order for change to happen.

Doing what you said you were going to do long after the mood in which you said it, has left you.

A little bit each day adds up to a lot over time, the compound effect.

The sacrifice will come before the results. It has to be paid in full and upfront.

Fighting the opinions of others. If you give in to what others believe, then you live what others achieve. Not Much!!!!!

Jim Rohn once said that working at your job will provide a living, working on yourself will provide a fortune. The more you become the more value you bring to the marketplace.

This goes without saying. Quitters never win and winners never quit.

Go big or go home, the world needs more big thinkers. Everything is possible, the Impossible just hasn’t been done yet.

To your success,

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One Response

  1. Until the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of change, only then can you change.

    When you desire to change, your three old buddies lose their power over your life. Anger, frustration and disappointment !!

    When anger, frustration and disappointment have hastily called a meeting and said, “we best step aside on this one and look for someone who doesn’t have that kind of resolve.

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Todd Stottlemyre


Relentless Success unfolds the process that will change your life forever. No person, thing or circumstance will ever hold you back again. Never again will you lack the knowledge to accomplish your goals. When you marry your work ethic to this success process is the day you will discover the champion that lives inside of you. Nothing is impossible, it just hasn’t been done yet. Subscribe to keep up with the latest blog posts that will guide you towards relentless success.


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