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Be The Hero Of Your Goals

Be The Hero Of Your Goals

As you approach the fourth quarter and you look back at your year, are you accomplishing everything you set out to do in 2016? The year is not over, but it’s time to step up and be the hero of all of your goals. There is no room for the blame game. You need to take responsibility for exactly where you are at this time. There are three things you need to focus on right NOW to finish the year strong.

If you’re comfortable then you are probably not growing. Its time to get out of your comfort zone like never before and attack your goals.

What do your daily habits look like? If you continue to do what you have been doing are you going to have a great year and hit your goals? Its time to align your habits with your goals.

Is your mindset one that says I CAN? Playing victim is a disease. Step up and be positive with a great attitude. You are the combination of your thoughts and choices. What are you telling yourself? Stop listening to yourself and start talking to yourself. Start saying YES I CAN instead of coming up with the excuses of why you can’t. What your mind can conceive and believe you can achieve.

Don’t waste another minute to you finishing the year strong! My 9 Step Game Plan is a great tool for getting you back on track to crush your 2016 goals. If you haven’t done so yet, you can click the link below to get your own copy. If you have already downloaded the 9 Step Game Plan put it to work!! You can do this! Click Here to download your 9 Step Game Plan

To Your Success,

P.S.If you want to lock arms and join me on this journey please register for the website. I look forward to seeing your success!

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Todd Stottlemyre


Relentless Success unfolds the process that will change your life forever. No person, thing or circumstance will ever hold you back again. Never again will you lack the knowledge to accomplish your goals. When you marry your work ethic to this success process is the day you will discover the champion that lives inside of you. Nothing is impossible, it just hasn’t been done yet. Subscribe to keep up with the latest blog posts that will guide you towards relentless success.


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