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4th Quarter Stress?

It’s the time of year when you look back to the goals you set in January with high hopes of having a great year.

Maybe you are feeling behind?

Maybe you are feeling overwhelmed with all the family activities and the holiday season starting to close in on you. With the stress of being overwhelmed and a distracted mind it becomes challenging to focus. Look, I have been there, and it’s not fun!

Today I have a tip for you that has worked for me on many occasions.

Its called your Holy Hour, or it can be called your Championship Hour.

What am I talking about?

It’s the first hour of the day. It needs to be about you! Reading, listening to an audiobook, or podcast. It could be spending time meditating or journaling. It could even be exercising.

REMEMBER… Success is an Inside-Out game!

All of your external problems and stress are telling you to get back to developing your inside.

Your Holy Hour will help you regain your focus. You will learn new things by reading and listening to podcasts. You will spend at least 20 minutes sweating through your workouts. You will be pouring into your journal capturing new ideas and dumping all of your stress to paper.

Now you are ready to take on the day!

Your success, focus, and clarity is all about developing your inside game.

Start today, don’t leave all of your goals, dreams, and aspirations up to chance!

To your success,
Be Relentless!


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Todd Stottlemyre


Relentless Success unfolds the process that will change your life forever. No person, thing or circumstance will ever hold you back again. Never again will you lack the knowledge to accomplish your goals. When you marry your work ethic to this success process is the day you will discover the champion that lives inside of you. Nothing is impossible, it just hasn’t been done yet. Subscribe to keep up with the latest blog posts that will guide you towards relentless success.


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